teisipäev, 17. juuli 2012


Meedias on juba üsna palju olnud juttu sellest, et juuli lõpul Riia muusikafestivalil "Pestivals" esinema pidanud Vanilla Ninja teatas 7. juulil oma Facebooki fännilehel, et kontsert jääb ära, kuna korraldajatega ei jõutud kokkuleppele.

Katrin Siska selgitas Õhtulehele, et probleeme põhjustas Pestivalsi festivali korraldajate ebakonkreetne käitumine.

"Pestivalsi korraldaja ei allkirjastanud meie saadetud lepingut. Kui tähtajast oli üle läinud juba paar nädalat, ütlesime lõpuks esinemisest ära. Meie bändi juristina arvan, et kokkulepetest ja tähtaegadest tuleb kinni pidada," teatas Siska ajalehe veebitoimetusele. "Muusikutel on suvi kõige tihedam tööaeg, mida ei saa raisata millegi ootamisele. Uued pakkumised tulevad peale, seepärast peab ebakonkreetsed asjad välja selekteerima. Nii me ka tegime."

Samas kinnitas ta, et otsus tuli väga raske südamega, sest tüdrukud tõesti tahtsid Riias üle pika aja Vanilla Ninjaga üles astuda. "Kuna meie ainuke planeeritud show Lätis jääb nüüd ära, tähistame ilmselt juubelit isekeskis koos bändi ja sõpradega," tunnistas Kati.

"Me oleme pettunud, ei osanud seda oodata, et nii läheb. Kurvastav. Eriti just sadade pühendunud fännide tõttu Eestist, Poolast, Lätist, Leedust, Saksamaalt ja mujalt. Nad olid ostnud festivalile piletid ja broneerinud hotellid." Siska kinnitas, et nad on palunud Pestivalsi korraldajat, et see ostaks pettunud Vanilla Ninja fännide piletid tagasi, kuid hetkel pole veel teada, kas seda tehakse.

Õhtuleht uuris Katilt sedagi, mida ta arvab festivalikorraldajate vastusest, et nad on teinud kõik vajaliku. "Nad ei saa ju seda öelda, kui lepingut pole allkirjastatud!" teatas Siska. Samuti ei mõista ta, kuidas festivalikorraldajad ütlevad, et ei tea, miks esinemine on tühistatud. Kati sõnul on nad vahetanud mitmeid e-maile.

Olgu avaldatud mõningad inglisekeelsed teadaanded: 


"PRESS RELEASE - JULY 7, 2012 (avaldatud VN Facebook`i lehel)

With a big disappointment we have to announce that our 10th anniversary concert at the Pestivals festival in Riga on July 28th had to be cancelled because we could not reach an agreement with the organizers.

We were very excited to perform together after a 3 year long break and therefore feel extremely sad to announce this news.

As the decision to cancel the show was made only yesterday we haven´t had a chance to plan and decide if there will be a replacement gig to celebrate our birthday but we´ll try to figure something out as soon as possible. We´ll keep you updated on that matter.


Vanilla Ninja"

Kaks päeva hiljem, 9. juulil postitati Pestivalsi Facebooki lehele järgmine teade: 

"To all Vanilla Ninja fans. We have no concrete info why show has been cancelled. As you might know, this is not the first show cancelled by this band. We are trying to understand from band and management, and have a solution so you can see this band in our festival. We were informed about cancellation in one sentence, later than fans. We are awaiting answer from band and management till midnight, and giving official information afterwards. We hope we will arrange this show. If no - it will be replaced with other artists."


11. juulil postitasid Ninjad Facebook`is järgmist:

"To all affected fans for Pestivals show Cancellation:

We published some days ago with dissapoinment the announcement that we were forced to cancel the show at Pestivals on July 28th in Riga, Latvia.

We knew that many fans would be truly affected by this particular issue as most of them are comming from outside Latvia.

The main reason that forced us to take that hard desition, was because organizer of Pestivals was unprofessional. Organizer for example, didn´t had a proper contract himself (!), excusing that their lawyer was too busy. In order to have a contract with time, with Management we wrote a proper contract with technical details on the band, plus our basic requirements, this contract was sent to him with a proper deadline to make payment and usual signature. Organizer didn´t mind our timmings and irresponsabily broke our deadlines twice, saying he was too busy to check it, sign it, be "physically" available, etc. He was not even replying phone calls. The third time, we needed to take this hard desition, as it already looked BAD, as he was just plainly "buying time" and changing conditions.

Now that we expose this facts in detail, we want to say to all those fans that are affected and already buyed their costly tickets, please contact the promoter and try to get your money refunded.

We will inform you when we can feel better and have the will and power to make a well deserved activity for our loyal fans.

We feel very dissapointed and angry at the same time, we wanted to give you a great concert, but this ugly situation leads us to find a better time for that to happen.

We do ask you to understand the situation and we are very sorry for all inconveniences this people is causing you.

Thank you,

Vanilla Ninja"


Lõpetuseks olgu mainitud, et Pestivalsi kodulehel on endiselt kirjas, et festivalil esineb teiste seas Vanilla Ninja: